What Becoming A Parent Will Do To Your Car

It used to have curves. It used to have lines. It used to be sporty red, and fun to drive. Now your car is big. It has many doors. It has fingerprints on the windows and rusk crumbs on the floors!

You’re a parent now, and your car has gone through a lot of changes since your little one was born. No more sporty roadster. No more 0-60 in under 6 seconds. Now, you aren’t go as fast as 60!

Becoming a parent changes every part of your life. It changes your priorities, and it changes how you behave when you’re around your kids. Most of all, it changes what you need in a vehicle and how you’re going to drive it. Now you’re a parent, you’re shopping for SUVs, people carriers and minivans. You need something you can fit a pushchair in the boot. You need a car with extra doors to get the kiddy seat in and out.

If you’re about to enter the world of parenthood, your sports car days are probably numbered. You might be trading it in for a popular family model. Or perhaps you’re looking at the website that can help you sell it more quickly? Letting go of your pride and joy isn’t easy, but fortunately, your new son or daughter will make it all worthwhile. After all, they are your new priority, and every parent will do whatever it takes to keep their baby safe.

What Becoming A Parent Will Do To Your Car
Image by pexels.com

When you’re looking for a reliable family car, consider how you want to use it. If you’re regularly taking your little one to the mall, then you’re in for a shock. Parking spaces are tightly packed together. It’s not easy to lift the whole baby seat out to use with a pushchair travel system. Sliding doors, like those on the Toyota minivans or other people carriers, are ideal here. Anything 3-door just doesn’t give you the space to get the baby out while he’s still in the seat.

The pushchair presents even more problems. Plenty of buggies and strollers are collapsible. But they’re best for older babies. Newborns often use the bigger pushchairs or travel systems. They’re big, they’re heavy, and no woman who just had stitches wants to lift those things. Pick a tailgate or rear door that is low enough not to cause injury as you lift heavy items up and into the car. Some SUVs have quite high platforms, so they aren’t always best.

Don’t forget, the baby years don’t last forever. A big purchase decision like a car should be taken with at least three years in mind. Your child’s needs will change dramatically over that time. The seat they travel in will change a lot too! Airbags can be dangerous, so you’ll need a vehicle that is designed with child safety in mind. And yes, you may be cleaning the inside more than the outside!

Will you ever be able to enjoy the freedom of driving again? Will you feel the wind through your hair with the top down? Will you feel the adrenaline as the engine roars with power as you accelerate away? How long are you willing to wait?

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